How Future-Proof is Your Retail Operation?

Contact UsWhat is a Transformation Studio?
[et_pb_flipbox title=”Portfolio Strategy” content_back=”

Peers share innovative strategies on leveraging and adapting their product portfolio to form a barrier to entry for competitors.

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[et_pb_flipbox title=”Consumer Behavior” content_back=”

Peers and thought leaders share their observations of new trends and changing consumer behaviors allowing members to respond proactively.

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[et_pb_flipbox title=”Data & Technology” content_back=”

Peers and technology solution providers share latest strategies to leverage data and collectively discover and evaluate new retail technologies.

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[et_pb_flipbox title=”Omnichannel Strategy” content_back=”

Peers and innovators share successful, innovative models for integration and leveraging of online and offline retail channels.

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What is a Transformation Studio

The Retail Transformation Studio is a peer-to-peer collaboration working group convening the leading experts on the retail technology, strategy, and operation of today with those of tomorrow to accelerate the path towards a more visible, agile, resilient, and sustainable retail future.


The Studio Approach

Facilitated Actionable Peer-to-Peer Collaboration – The Retail Transformation Studio was founded by a group of leading retail and merchandising executives in collaboration with CHi Studios. The purpose of this community is to accelerate – and de-risk – their efforts to digitize retail operations.


Our Retail Studio Vision

The Retail Transformation Studio will lead the path into the future of retail operations, where technology, consumer behavior trends, and optimized portfolio strategy enable optimal levels of agility, resiliency, efficiency, and productivity, giving us all a lasting competitive advantage;

The Future of Retail

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Frictionless Digital-First Engagements

Retail Transformation Studio expert facilitators lead our members through a bespoke series of engagements with their peers, academic thought leaders, and technology providers.

While in-person gatherings can never be replaced, the Retail Transformation Studio recognizes the importance of a digital-first approach through latest collaboration technology, which allows for greater flexibility and agility in times of rapid change. 

Monthly Studio Roundtables

Bespoke, expert-facilitated, virtual executive roundtables with 25-50 Retail Transformation Studio members split into breakout groups of 5-9 members. 

Sessions last 90-120 minutes governed by the Chatham House Rule and free of competitors to allow for an open and collaborative environment.

Discussion topics are provided by select, spotlighted members to address their latest supply chain goals and challenges.

Member-to-Member Connections

Retail Transformation Studio facilitators are expert social engineers providing an ideal environment for collaboration and peer-to-peer connections.

They track member-needs and priorities and suggest relevant 1-on-1 introductions to create new, meaningful relationships that result in the open exchange of ideas.

On Demand Access

The Retail Transformation Studio applies the latest AI-powered collaboration technologies to analyze, organize, and disseminate relevant insights to its membership.

Through these tools, members can connect with fellow Retail Transformation Studio members, stay on top of upcoming events, exchange ideas, challenges and solutions with each other, as well as participate in polls and share updates and news.

Executive Summits

Exclusive, invitation-only, annual executive summits hosting special guests including top supply chain executives, academia and government thought leaders as well as entrepreneurs and technology providers.

Attendees count is capped to ensure an optimal member experience during the informative moderated panel discussions, breakout sessions, and working group meetings.



Organizations: Leading companies seeking to accelerate and de-risk the digitization of online and offline retail

Individuals: Merchandising Executives and their teams

Objectives: Learn, coordinate and share insights; de-risk and accelerate the digitization of their retail operation

Solution Providers

Organizations: Providers of technology/solutions for next generation online and offline retail

Individuals: Heads of R&D or Product Development and their teams

Objectives: Learn from practitioners and horizontal partners; evolve together, minimize mistakes, and accelerate

Thought Leaders

Organizations: Leading academic and research institutions

Individuals: Known professors, researchers and think-tank professionals

Objectives: Learn from practitioners and technology partners, facilitate content collection and synthesis, and share thought leadership from the worlds of academia


Organizations: Leading venture capitalists, private equity funds, investment banks and commercial banks

Individuals: Leading investors, industry analysts and researchers

Objectives: Learn from practitioners, technology providers and thought leaders; validate investment theses; find growth-stage investment opportunities


120+ Years of
Retail Operation Experience


Board of Advisors

Representing over 120+ years of retail experience, The Visibility Council’s Board of Advisors represents a huge strategic advantage.


Operating Team

The Retail Transformation Studio Operating Team is designed to ensure productivity, superior Member experience, and maximum value add for Members, and will initially include the following professionals.

Tim Harden

Tim Harden

Former President, Supply Chain and Fleet Operations AT&T

Tim Harden led AT&T’s global supply chain, distribution and fleet management operations

Frank Jones

Frank Jones

Former SVP Intel Corporation

Frank Jones led Intel’s global supply chain operations; co-led Intel’s IoT business unit; 29 year career in supply chain management

Maria Nieradka

Maria Nieradka

Former SVP Global Supply Chain, Biogen

Maria Nieradka led supply chain operations for Biogen; 30-year career in pharmaceutical supply chain operations, including J&J, Merck, Bristol-Myers Squibb

Bill Read

Bill Read

Former SMD Supply Chain, Accenture

Bill Read led Accenture’s supply chain and products industry practices; 35 year consulting career, focusing on technology and supply chain

Ben Bellamy

Ben Bellamy

Managing Partner

Former Managing Director and Group Leader over World 50’s Strategy 50 community

Florian Selch

Florian Selch

Operations Director

Former Silicon Valley Space Business Roundtable MD; former NASA PM

Rachel Haisfield

Rachel Haisfield

Member Engagement Director

Former Membership Services Manager and Chief of Staff for World 50’s Supply Chain 50 and Strategy 50 

Chris Bellamy

Chris Bellamy

Finance Director

Former Senior Director and investment banker, JMP Credit, SunTrust Robinson Humphrey

Our Office

Palo Alto, CA

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(650) 308-4136

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